BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI Software Update

This page offers a free download of the BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI software. simply by pressing the following button. You just need to do it. Any Versions you require. You only need to make one click on the supplied button. The Version will then be downloaded automatically after that.

BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI Software Update
BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI Software Update

BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI Software Update

If you wish to upgrade the BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI firmware on the Universal All Types of Receiver board. Please refrain from using the latest firmware BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI if you are new. You can still do it if you want to, but you must follow my instructions. Please read the following tips. After that, you may quickly upgrade all versions of the BOTECH BC-10000 VA CI software. The software is very simple to upgrade.

File NameDownload Link
BOTECH_BC-10000 VA CI_11032008Download
BOTECH_BC-10000 VA CI_LoaderDownload

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